This is just like the enemy … to try to counter the greatest, most embarrassing symbol of his defeat: the cross and the empty tomb!

What a fool. Satan knows his time is short. He is a withering branch, producing no fruit. He knows his time is short. He knows he will be thrown into the lake of fire to burn and suffer for all eternity (Rev 20:10)

He knows his humiliation is complete (Colossians 2:15).

He knows that we are already victorious over him and we rest our feet on his head. We have authority over ALL his power (Luke 10:19, 1 Corinthians 15:57, Revelation 15:2, Heb 1:13).⁩

No silly proclamation by the former Vice-President (or ANY human, or any DEMON, for that matter) can detract from Satan's utter and complete loss and OUR total VICTORY in righteousness through the blood of Christ.

Besides, we know that Biden did not win the election, so any proclamation made by this traitor and Pretender-in-Chief carries no weight in the spiritual realms.

Nice try, Satan. Failed again.

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When you see pink and blue what is the first thing comes to mind? Yup! baby girl and baby boy .. the trans flag is a P£d.0.ph!le flag

The W.H.O. and UN agenda to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia


"Tran$ m£ssaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small s£xual minor!ty dealing with severe h£alth issues

It appears to m£ that some1 else is driving these m£ssaging campa!gns and the question is wh0"? https://open.substack.com/

pub/tobyrogers/p/trans-messaging-is-too-sophisticated? r=14ndko&utm_medium=ios

Lookup herbicide atrazine 🐸


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What a beautiful,truthful response to the utterly demonic action of this corrupt administration.

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